Making Christmas 2010 the Merriest Ever!

Start a New Family Tradition – The Life Story Game!

By: Susan McKenzie

Are you ready to add some extra 'zest' to your Christmas this year? Imagine this Christmas, amidst the usual family traditions, a decorative holiday note card tucked into each place setting at your family meal. This is the Life Story Game! These make for great conversation starters and are sure to add smiles, laughter, and giggles to your next holiday meal. The Life Story Game is a great way to build family memories and is often called the super glue in family bonding time.

These unique note cards can be handmade by children, purchased from a store, or can be simply 3×5 cards from an office supply. It's easy and takes only a few minutes – we'll show you how. Using the "365 Life Story Interview Prompts" included within the "All-in-One" Life Story Book Kit, each card has one or two questions typed or handwritten which gives each person the opportunity to start a conversation. This is the "Life Story Game" and can be recorded on video, audio, or paper to be preserved forever.

The holidays can often be a time of depression, isolation, and loneliness. We can turn that around! When you pull these cards out, it's a special way to make everyone feel valued. Most people love to talk and feel honored when we listen to what they have to share. The art of storytelling is making a comeback after a century of industrialization that produced a generation that feels more and more isolated and alone. This isolation has resulted in increased rates of anxiety and depression as well as a plethora of physical ailments. The basic need of humanity is to be loved!

Listening is an act of love. Storytelling is therapeutic!

I spent a couple of hours this morning listening to a woman who comes from a blended family with 26 siblings! They are getting older now and three of them passed away this year. Before more brothers and sisters pass away, they have decided to gather as a family and record their rich stories and traditions. I'm thankful I can be a part of this time of sharing!

Imagine… this could be you this year! It can begin with a fun "Life Story Game." It is very simple. Each person takes turns answering the question(s) on the note card set by their plate. You may choose to have more than one question on each card so each person feels comfortable by having a choice. Trading cards is allowed! Use this as a starting point and run with your imagination!

Sample questions, taken from our "365 Life Story Interview Prompts" are listed below:

  • What kinds of games did you play, as a young child? 
  • Describe the best gift you've ever received.
  • What kinds of vehicles have you owned, and which one was your favorite?
  • What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done?
  • What story did your parents enjoy telling you, as a child?
  • Did your mother (or father) have any quirks, quotes, or favorite sayings you can recall?
  • If you could go back into time and visit any person at all, who would it be?
  • If you could have dinner with any person in the world, anywhere in the world, who would it be with and where?
  • Do you remember any gifts from last year?
  • What's a great compliment you have received this year?
  • Name Santa's reindeer.
  • 354 additional questions available, for free, in the "All-in-One" Life Story Book Kit!

This Christmas, while you're at it, why not take advantage of your time together by staging life story interviews on camera and microphone? Be prepared by bringing your "365 Life Story Interview prompts" and select just a few questions. Follow our handy tips, included in the free kit, to helping your loved one feel comfortable. Be sure to give them the power of edit… assure them only what they approve of will be published!

Make Christmas 2010 the merriest ever… get the kids involved in creating decorative note cards and choose the questions you believe will add the most to your holiday celebrations. Play the Life Story Game every year, and before you know it, your Life Story books will be filling up with cherished family memories! Be sure to let me know if our team can be of help to you! Send us a comment at the bottom of this page – I read and reply to each one!

Did you grab your "All-in-One" Life Story Book kit yet? Complete the form below to receive instant access!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous December 15, 2010 at 8:45 pm

I’ve got to forward this to my husband! He’s totally into tracing the family line right now.
Thanks Susan!


Susan McKenzie December 15, 2010 at 8:51 pm

Hi Lily,

There are some fabulous free online tools for tracing family history. I was amazed when I first got started how my family line touched on the lines two other people had already created. The internet is a great tool! I share these free tools in the “All-in-One” Life Story Book Kit. It’s really fun!


Victoria Gazeley December 14, 2010 at 7:06 pm

What wonderful ideas, Susan – we’re doing this this year!


Susan McKenzie December 14, 2010 at 7:10 pm

How exciting, Victoria… please let us know how it goes for you! You have such an amazing story to share!


Anonymous December 14, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Sharing truly is caring…no better gift than to document it and pass it on to those you love. Fabulous!!


Susan McKenzie December 14, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Thank you, Denny… you are such a blessing!


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