The Dream Maker

The Dream Maker

By: Susan Deborah Schiller   This is Part 2 of "From Widow Maker to Dream Maker"

The Dream Maker (versus the Widow Maker) is the source of our joy, the source of our creativity, and the source of our lives. We learn to call him "God" – it's a man-made label and there are many such labels, and they are good. Naming is a way of facing reality, of recognizing the true nature of what we're experiencing.

In the Bible, the Dream Maker is called by many names, which describe His character, what He does, and who He is. Names are powerful, because it causes the nature of the name to manifest in our lives!

The Widow Maker is the source of death, destruction, and deception in my life. Sometimes he manifests in the people around me, in government and in church, and in my own home. Most of the time, he manifests in my own self – that false self – that thinks the worst of me. I call him "widow maker" because his nature is to destroy marriages and homes, especially in those whose hopes and dreams are to be homemakers.

The Dream Maker is the source of life, health, and truth in my life. Sometimes he, also, manifests in the people around me: in government and in church, and in my own home. Most of the time, he manifests in my own self – that childlike true self – that thinks only what is best, pure, true, and lovely… and who is often called "idealist" or "head in the clouds" or sometimes, "goody-two-shoes".

Our true selves are the conduit for all of God's goodness to pass into our lives!

We can't simply blame the sociopaths who have murdered our souls. Our hope is not in government, religious, or medical solutions. I may be criticized for saying that, but please hear me out.

It's not our abusers that have done this evil thing. They cooperated, yes. There needs to be consequences, certainly. But if you want to be FREE and live with a whole heart, the only way to rid yourself of The Widow Maker – or whatever name you choose to call the source of evil – is to KILL the killer. That is a separate issue, apart from your abuser.

Kill the killer.

You might say that Christ defeated the devil at the Cross and now the devil is disarmed and powerless. I agree. His only "power" is illusion. There is an ILLUSION of evil that most of us believe exists. And because we believe it exists, we give it OUR POWER! So evil does have power – BORROWED from us! It's the ultimate THIEF!

It feeds on our souls, which is the source of the most power we have here on earth! That's why a narcissist and/or a sociopath FEED on your reactions! That's why abuse escalates, cycling into bigger episodes, more trauma, and increased anxiety on all sides.

It is right to escape, to get help, to have no contact with your abuser, if possible.

If you're in a spiritually abusive, toxic environment at church or work or wherever you are, it is your godly duty to escape, to get help, and to not be silent about what happened. These are danger zones!

To be silent, to cover up, or to deny its existence is to be an accomplice to evil.

Yet there is more to do than simply escape and hope we don't end up in a similar situation (which will likely happen, because Widow Makers NEVER GIVE UP! Our enemy is relentless!)

This we must do: SLAY THE BEAST!

It may be all you can do to fight in court, to get a job, and to do the myriad of things survivors must do to get their lives back. That's okay. Just remember, that once you're strong enough, there is a dragon to hunt and kill.

Oh forget that, you'll never FEEL like you're strong enough! You must be angry, sick, and tired enough to say, "Enough is enough!"

Escaping is going to feel like you're killing part of yourself, because sometimes the Widow Maker manifests in you.

You're doing the OPPOSITE of what you've done in the past. You're going in a counter-cultural direction and your friends and family may disagree with you. That's the main reason a sociopath or narcissist will use smear campaigns, gaslighting, and other strategic methods designed to keep you trapped.

The Widow Maker and the Dream Maker have one thing in common: They both want to kill you.

Here's how you know the difference: The Dream Maker only wants the false self dead – the part of you that invites the Widow Maker in for company. Self-pity, fears, doubts, worries… you know him by his scent… that putrid sense of helplessness… like you're constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop.

The Widow Maker steals your identity and murders your true self, along with your hopes and dreams, covering up the crime with the "false self".

My "false self" is named STRONG SUE! Yes, I had to name myself, too! I had to name that part of me that was betraying my true self and attracting abuse!

Strong Sue was in league with The Widow Maker, and although she has to go, I don't have to kill her. I can dismiss her with gratitude and thanks for a job well done. She protected me when it was all I knew to do. She kept me going. Her job is done, now, and as she goes Holy Spirit – the Dream Maker – enters.

The Dream Maker is also known by Her* scent… like the smell of ozone after a fresh downpour of rain, it's cleansing and refreshing. Like the smell of a newborn baby, it's life-giving and pure and holy. Like bread baking in the oven, it reminds you of Home.

The Dream Maker will use every means to expose the false self – that part of you that wants to be in control so you can cover your faults, weaknesses, and scars, instead of being vulnerable.

* By the way, I hope you don't mind me using the female pronoun for God. God is spirit; neither male nor female, as we will be in Heaven. I don't understand it all, except that in the Bible She is described as the "many-breasted one" so I know there is a femine nature in the Godhead!

How do you slay the dragon?

First you name it. Then you expose it, by telling your story. By daring to be vulnerable, or what I call "Naked and Unashamed" you crucify the false self... the traitor within you… the one who is all too eager to put you down, mock your appearance, and devalue your achievements.

Next, you take radical steps to love your true self.

I used the image of my granddaughter on this page, dressed as a princess, because that is a portrait of who you are: Daddy's princess. You are a royal Child of God. When you look in the mirror, through His eyes, you are PERFECT! You are HOLY! You are marvelously well provided for!

When you were a child, what did play? What did you pretend to be and do? Linda South Honea, a friend here at Team Family Online, writes how she fought down through the layers to find her true self.

This is one great way to find your true self – the part of you that desperately needs you to validate her, to nurture her, to enjoy her presence in your life.

She is the beauty you seek. She is the truth you desire to know. She holds the master key to the universe, because she is One with Christ – the true Source of Life.

It's going to feel strange, at first, to think of yourself like this. You're so used to be an unloved wife, abandoned by her husband… whether you're still married, separated or divorced.

You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief, and God welcomed you back …  Your Redeemer God says: "I left you, but only for a moment. Now, with enormous compassion, I'm bringing you back. … I'm tenderly caring for you. For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won't walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart." The God who has compassion on you says so… Isaiah 54

God is bringing us all home! It's a Malachi 4 "new beginning" – a family reunion. Don't be afraid of "endings" because endings mean new beginnings.

Zechariah also speaks of this time: "'At that time, everyone will get along with one another, with friendly visits across the fence, friendly visits on one another's porches."

This present darkness is coming to an end. The dawn of a new era approaches. IT'S TIME!

Your activation, if you choose to accept it, is:

  • Think back to when you were a child. What did you pretend to be and do? What games did you enjoy? What were your hopes and dreams?
  • Can you identify your purpose? Give it a try?
  • Have you named your adversary? When worries and doubts begin to invade your mind, do you entertain them, or do you name them for who they are – such as "widow makers".
  • Have you named that part of you that leaves the door open for the adversary to intimidate and threaten you? Never condemn yourself – it's natural. I have to name her, though, so I call her "Strong Sue" and as soon as she knows she's been called out, the illusion disappears.
  • What is your favorite name for God? Try not to think "religiously" or traditionally – but be creative, just as the writers of Scripture, by naming who he/she means most to you. You don't have to limit yourself to one name 🙂 Sometimes I call "him" Mama! Jesus called him Abba. Sometimes I call him Papa or Daddy. Some call him "All that is" or "Grandfather". God, himself, has said his name is "I AM". Others call him "Spirit" or "Mystery". One day we will hear his name and our knees will bow and our tongues will confess that he is Lord. We, also, will receive a new name!

In an upcoming post I'll share with you the power of using God's names to bless your spirit, to nurture your true self!

Have fun and enjoy the adventure of freedom and fullness!

With all my love,


Susan Schiller's life mission is to help rescue and restore those trapped in perpectual nightmares. Through activations in mini memoir writing she teaches us how to create our world. It's like discovering a spiritual blueprint within our childhood memories and using it to rewrite our future with God's Truth. A new family legacy is published, blessing the next generation.

In her past life, Susan has served in duties ranging from home school mom – to pastor –  to full-time deliverance minister – and to Midwest regional prayer coordinator for a large international ministry. These days you can usually find Susan soaking in nature, reading a book (or several), blogging, baking bread, or hanging out with her family and friends. You can get a free copy of Susan's upcoming book, "On the Way Home" by registering here.

Copyright 2010-2014, Susan Schiller, For reprint permission for any private or    commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Joyce Lagana March 1, 2014 at 9:12 am

Dear Sue, how you bless!  Such wonderful insight and encouragement to keep us moving forward into the fullness of the light.  Please don't stop! 


Susan Schiller March 1, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Joyce, your brave heart makes me smile – I’m so grateful for you 🙂


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