All is Well

All is Well

By: Susan Deborah Schiller

Trekking through the wilderness with my children helped me to trust that "all is well" in the world, even if something insidiously evil had just threatened to suck me down into the abyss of despair. When I simply say the words, "all is well," a new wind blows through my soul… a fresh wind that brings peace, assurance, and calm.

Like fresh mountain air and pure mountain springs, declaring "all is well" permeates your soul with joy, peace, and love. It's radical self-care. It's like having your own personal water fall of pure spring water cascading into your soul. 🙂

All is well!

When you're surviving sociopathic abuse and grieving through the many layers of pain, there are certain phrases that gently reduce the pain, kind of like aspirin pills do to relieve inflammation and fever. These words and phrases have no toxic warnings on the label and you can take them as many times a day as needed. "All is well." "Everything's gonna be okay."

The same words can bring harm, if you are not a survivor and are not trained to understand the ways of sociopaths and say those words, without the benefit of understanding, to a survivor. A knife in the hands of a surgeon is quite different than the same knife in the hands of a toddler. Education is very important, whether in healing a physical or a spiritual heart. It's why I've created a "healing manifesto" for anyone who wishes to learn how to help a survivor of sociopathic abuse.

Words can kill or they can bring life.

Christians are generally "nice, good people" so we have very little knowledge of evil's ways. When a victim of sociopathic abuse attempts to share their story, the most common response is disbelief – closely followed by an attempt to contain the toxic spill and sweep it under the carpet. When the survivor insists her story is true, the most common scenario is to blame her and then shun her.

We blame our victims and promote the abusers. It's become an epidemic and hardly anyone is talking about it … because when we do, we get threatened to be quiet.

I raise my voice, on behalf of socioipathic abuse survivors, because I am one of them and I know so many of them, all across the world and in my community. Most of them are too scared to share their stories, and the silence is deafening!

Nevertheless, all is well. Little by little, light is shining into these dark pits.

Like the hymn, "It is Well With My Soul," whose writer, Horatio Spafford, composed as his ship passed the spot in the ocean where the SS Ville Du Havre sank in the depths, burying his four daughters all at once beneath the ocean waves. This happened after his successful attorney practice and real estate investments burned in the 1871 Great Chicago Fire!

Horatio was a man who could say "It is well with my soul". More than one hundred years later, his song is still one of the most popular hymns!

Like Horation Spafford, we are survivors. We may have lost everything, including careers, homes, and family members, and even our health, but, we can say these simple three words: "All is well" and it is TRUE!

Anything is possible! Words have the power to create! These three words can help to change the atmosphere from grief and despair to calm and secure. Recently I was asked by Christina Rasmussen, of Second Firsts, to record a small part of my story. In this segment, I share how "Everything's gonna be all right" or "All is well" helped me to re-enter the world. I hope it encourages you, or someone you know 🙂

All is well, dear heart!

For some creative fun, consider clicking the image above to play in the "Three-Word-Wednesday" blog hop! All you do is choose three words and just start writing whatever comes to your mind 🙂

Choosing love today,


PS  If you would like to learn more about sociopathic abuse and how you can best help a survivor, I have several articles that will help keep you safe as you navigate the deep, murky waters of one of evil's most silent killers of Christian women and children. Click here to go to the archive of articles to help you understand sociopathic abuse.

Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate her way out of hell to a rich and satisfying life. In her lifetime, Susan has served in duties ranging from home school mom – to pastor –  to full-time deliverance minister – and to Midwest regional prayer coordinator for a large international ministry. These days you can usually find Susan soaking in her favorite hot springs pool, reading a book (or several), blogging, baking bread, or hanging out with her family and friends. You can get a free copy of Susan's upcoming book, "On the Way Home" by registering here.

Copyright 2013, Susan Schiller, Permission is granted to copy, forward, or distribute this article for non-commercial use only, as long as this copyright byline and bio, in totality, is maintained in all duplications, copies, and link references.  For reprint permission for any commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller.

{ 19 comments… read them below or add one }

Emily Heitzman February 4, 2014 at 11:16 am

Wow, Susan, thank you for sharing your difficult and yet inspiriring story!  I am so so sorry to hear about the pain you have been through, and yet I am inspired by how you have been able to use your painful experiences to help others.  I found your site on the spiritofthepoor syncroblog and a few things caught my eye when I was looking at your site.  I am so happy I did, as I believe a lot of healing can come when we find others who have been through similar experiences.  (Though a lot of your story is different than mine, much of what you shared sounds so similar to my experience before/during/after my divorce, as well.) 

I'm so glad that you have been able to find and speak your voice.  I am just confident that you are helping empower others to do the same, as well!  


Susan Schiller February 4, 2014 at 11:33 am

Hi Emily,

It’s wonderful to meet you. The internet is a great environment to connect with people through the sharing of our stories, isn’t it? I’m sorry to hear of your pain!

It sounds like you’re at a place on the other side, where all is well… or creating a new life, even a better life.

Thanks so much for your encouraging words. Even as we share words, more strength goes out to both of us!



Katie Hueni November 12, 2013 at 12:33 am

I found your website via Profligate truth website and have been soaking up your wisdom. I am a younger woman (29) but survived a difficult family life with a father who let evil grow in his heart from a small creature to a dragon of destruction. Pray for me that the Lord would open doors to spread the truth I have learned about the goodness of God and the need for true repentance, not false grace. Much love. 


Susan Schiller November 12, 2013 at 6:01 am

Dear Katie,

I’m really glad to hear from you and I’m glad that we can share our hearts here. I can hear in your voice that God has transformed your heart to a great extent, because your one care mentioned here is for your father, that he can experience the true love and grace you’ve found in Christ.

I join you in this prayer for your dad with a simple prayer the Lakota taught me, which means so much: “Father, please give Katie’s dad what he needs.” This prayer has meant so much to me, because when a person allows evil to grow in their hearts, we barely know how to pray for them, because they usually are hurting those around them, as well as themselves.

It takes a miracle – true grace and mercy – for all of us to come to true repentence, but especially for those who have chosen an evil path. Another short but powerfully effective prayer is “Father, please bring Your Light and expose all of the darkness.”

There are things only God can do, but our willingness to have the Light shine in our own lives and in those around us (sometimes exposing a reality that we would rather deny) allows God to do what only He can do. We become partners in restoration, redemption, and in changing history by rewriting our future.

I pray for you, too, Katie, that all of God’s Kingdom comes into your life in full view of your spiritual enemies… and that God sets up a table before in the presence of your enemies, anoints your head with oil, and comforts you with overflowing blessings and gifts… In other words, even though you may still see the effects of evil because the people in your life are hosting the evil presence, I am praying that even in those times the grace and mercy of God will be so bright and brilliant in your life that you will be caused to overflow with love, grace, and mercy at all times, and that your heart will be shielded and protected with the anointing of God.

I’m sending love to you…. with a big hug… and my gratitude for your sharing here today!


Sharon O'Day November 1, 2013 at 11:49 am

I've seen the power of those word "All is well" in the lives of other friends who are facing very difficult change, even if somewhat different from the reason for yours.  The words are indeed powerful and it took me some time to understand why these friends often seemed to lead me to say them.  Your article just explained why.  Each little realization gathered while reading your work is like a piece of cork which, when all strung together, will provide the life preserver for women to be able to "swim" out of their difficult circumstances.  Brava!


Susan Schiller November 1, 2013 at 12:24 pm

You always have the right words to say, Sharon…. at just the right time. You have a true mother’s heart, and we who have been drinking the milk and eating the meat of your teachings are very fortunate indeed. Thank you so much… more than you know 🙂


Rochelle Gordon October 29, 2013 at 4:41 pm

I am so humbled to hear your story on the video. Your dear sweat gentle soul came across to me. You are doing such a wonderful service for people who were abused, but for the world as well. Your are a true lightworker.  Thank you.


Susan Schiller October 29, 2013 at 5:07 pm

Rochelle, your words sink in deeply – and I know there will be new growth from them – thank you in so much ways for being a lightworker in my own life 🙂


Joyce October 29, 2013 at 4:28 pm

I loved the video, Susan!  Thanks for sharing.


Susan Schiller October 29, 2013 at 5:05 pm

Hi Joyce… your words are kind – thank you very much for being here today 🙂


Magical Mystical Mimi October 29, 2013 at 1:40 pm

I came over from the UBC on FB.. I had no idea I was going to see this.. It's like my own past hitting me right in the face. I'm so taken aback by actually finding your site that I can't really put into words what I'd actually like to comment here so I will simply say thank you for writing about this.. It was a long journey for me and just when I got through that tunnel of hell I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer but God *is* good – although my child like faith in Him has diminished somewhat – and I survived cancer as well. In some ways it was easier than my marriage..

Excellent post and interesting site. I'll be back and I'll be sharing this link..


Susan Schiller October 29, 2013 at 2:31 pm

My heart weeps for you, dear heart. I understand what you mean that fighting stage 4 cancer was easier than your marriage. Pathological relationships are unlike anything “normal” – and toxic to our bodies, souls, and spirits. Cancer and pathological relationships often go hand-in-hand. It’s so wrong that you had to suffer like that… so deeply wrong.

You’ve got a powerful story – it takes so much to survive what you’ve been through, and to come out the other end of the tunnel. I can feel your spirit… and the fire in your words. What a blessing to meet you – and thank you for your encouraging words!

I hope this is a safe place for you, if you ever feeling like sharing more of your story. Our stories are powerful weapons – bringing the Light of Truth and pushing back the darkness. My own vision is to see an abuse-free zone set up around my own family and community… and I dare to believe, the whole world…. one-by-one. I’m sending you light, love, and blessings… may God reward you with “two mercies for every woe” as He promises. It’s been an honor to meet you!


Debra Westbrook October 29, 2013 at 1:37 pm

I will read this a few times. It is quite profound, words meant to be cherished. Thank you. 🙂


Susan Schiller October 29, 2013 at 2:23 pm

Hi Debra,

You are so very kind – thank you for coming by and sharing 🙂


Renee Ortiz October 29, 2013 at 1:35 pm


Thank you for this.  You are so courageous.  I love how God uses the crud for good! Praying God blesses you as you bless others. 

In His love,



Susan Schiller October 29, 2013 at 2:22 pm

What a thoughtful and sweet note, Renee – thanks so much 🙂


Linda October 22, 2013 at 7:59 pm

Excellent article! 


Susan Schiller October 22, 2013 at 9:22 pm

Thank you for your kind words, Linda 🙂


Susan Schiller October 22, 2013 at 6:30 am
"That man is perfect in faith who can come to God in the utter dearth of his feelings and desires, without a glow or an aspiration, with the weight of low thoughts, failures, neglects, and wandering forgetfulness, and say to Him, “Thou art my refuge." – George MacDonald


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