Tithing Ourselves into Poverty

Tithing Ourselves into Poverty

By: Susan Deborah Schiller

Financial giving is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, because I believe generosity and acts of charity are close to our Father's heart. I believe there is provision for every member of the Body of Christ and that we are meant to regularly give of our means to others. If we learn to do it right, poverty will be eliminated all over the world.

But I don't believe in tithing, as it's currently being taught. In fact, my family tithed ourselves into poverty…

Several years ago, our family was tithing 10% to the church of our gross and giving above and beyond, as best as we could; nevertheless, our financial condition was deteriorating daily. My health was in jeopardy with a swollen abdomen and intense pain. It was hard to walk and sometimes I fell down. The doctor wanted to do tests and warned me that my state had progressed to the point that he considered dangerous. My husband told me we could not afford medical treatment, and suggested it would be better if I died, because I had life insurance but not health insurance, even though he was health insurance broker.

There were very few luxuries we could afford, but the very finest things of life are totally free. Despite the pain, I would take our three young children Robbie – 7, Sara – 8, and Jill -10-years old to the park down the street, which bordered a forest preserve. It had a huge paved sidewalk that looped through grassy fields. I recorded some word pictures, like treasures stored up in my heart, in this diary:

"Lately the kids have been rollerblading. Robbie likes to stay close to me and Connie (our dog). He keeps up a steady stream of conversation, punctuated by spectacular imitation falls. After each fall he grins at me and waits for my judgment (fake fall or real).

"'Mom, watch how fast I go down this hill without even getting scared!' 'Mom, wanna see me jump on my rollerblades?'

"He skates a few yards ahead of me and waits till I pass or catch up with him. If he's tired he holds my hand and I pull him a short distance. Soon he's off skating ahead to let me catch up with him again. He comes up from behind me and rubs my back as we walk/skate together.

"Sometimes he'll ride his bike and come up to me and say 'let's hold hands.' It's awkward, but we hold hands with him on his bike and Connie at the end of the leash in my other hand. He has a silly, impish grin on his face and he isn't quiet for a minute. Every sentence he says ends with a 'hee-hee!' Even when he's far behind me I can still hear him talking to himself and laughing in that 7-year old clownish way.

"A word photo of Jill: We're at church in the sanctuary and the service is about to begin. Where's Jill, I wonder? I spot her flitting around from one friend to another, chittering and chattering away. Her face is alight with smiles and the joy of having fun with her friends.

"A word photo of Sara: It's the same church service and the music has started. I allow Sara to hold one of the Bitterman twins, 6-months old. Sara adores holding babies. Reluctantly she permits me to take the baby when the congregation is asked to stand. She can't wait until we sit down again so she can ask to hold the baby again. Unfortunately, the baby is getting fussy and we need her to quiet during the service, so I hold her. Sara and Robbie try to sit as close to me as possible so they can 'pet' the baby."

Summarizing from the same journal entry: As Pastor continued his sermon on "Double or Nothing" I did some financial calculations. The day before, I had $42 to spend on groceries, and it had to last for a little over two-weeks. The kids were getting baptized and we were going to have guests over for a home-cooked meal. It seemed impossible but with careful shopping, couponing, and looking for bargains I was able to get everything we needed.

Continuing from my diary:

"I collapsed from fatigue last evening. I don't know why – I just could not take another step or do another thing without resting"…. Moving to the next day's entry: "It's 5 am and I woke up about 40-minutes ago with intense abdominal pain, so I decided to get up and pray. My devotional book by E.M. Bounds talked about the importance of rising early to meet with God and how it strikes a blow to SELF by doing so, and therefore a blow to the devil. This pain is only endurable because it throbs, giving me a couple seconds between bursts.

"A word picture of Sara from yesterday: She's at the keyboard, using the automated music, but pounding the keys all up and down the board, in time to the music. Her body is swaying and jerking as in a dance routine. I'm washing dishes in the kitchen, but she seems to feel she's all alone. Once, she peeks her head backward to check for any unseen audience, but safe in her solitude she returns to her passionate performance.

"I tucked Sara in last night and she asked me to stay a little longer. I asked if she wanted to talk – she said yes. I asked what she wanted to talk about – she didn't know. She said she just wanted to talk. It seemed she just wanted to have me to herself, for awhile.

"There's more space between throbs of pain now and it's not as intense. Something's really wrong inside my body and I can't do anything about it without spending money. There's no one to talk to.

"I'm recording all this so that perhaps as I look through the weeks and months of however long this lasts, I may find a pattern or a clue to what's wrong. We definitely can't afford a doctor. Basically, we can't afford to live. Not knowing is so hard… Unless I'm healed by God I will need to get a wheelchair.".

In the 90's we lived in what was called a "yuppie" community and most of our church was upper middle class – professionals with large houses and high paying jobs. My women friends, at church, would often talk about their deep freezers and how full they were, after stocking up from a bargain at the local store. Although we lived in the community we were sliding downward, fast, even when both my husband and I were working.

I remember hunger… being so hungry that I was tempted to beg from a friend who I knew was throwing away food she didn't want. I didn't ask her, for that would have exposed my husband and it would have caused more trouble.

In those days none of us really knew each other, because all we talked about was decorating our houses, planning the next vacation, new clothes, and bargains.

No one knew I was sick, even though we were at church several times a week. We were all busy with our church programs and our homes. There was very little time to really know each other. We worked hard. As women, we evangelized. We taught Sunday School, Children's Church, and Youth Group. It was all focused on getting our friends and neighbors to COME to our church, the BEST church in town. We knew how to create momentum with splashy programs, guest speakers, and loud Christian contemporary music.

We had men's groups, women's groups, prayer groups, choir practice, orchestra practice, plays and cantatas, along with basket ball hoops in the asphalt parking lot. It was our home away from home… but we really didn't know each other, except for our jobs, houses, vacations, and other measures of success. It put a lot of pressure on my husband, who took it out on me.

As I sit still and listen, this is what I feel Papa God is saying to us:

"I've been misrepresented. Misjudged. Mistreated. As a result, you were misguided. I didn't want your money; I only wanted your hearts.

I couldn't stand your meetings, meetings, and more meetings. I couldn't stand your altar calls and offering calls and volunteer calls. I just wanted you to come Home, to be with me… to live with Me. Heart-to-heart.

Just like your daughter pulled you closer and wanted a longer bedtime ritual, so I want to pull you closer, to have one more minute, one more hour. Whether we talk or not, I just like to be with you.

I throw a party every morning for the early-risers… I spray the awakening sky-screen with a palette of neverending shades of pinks and yellows that move in patterns and declare that each morning is new, fresh, and clean… shimmering with Life. In the evening I invite you to sit with me, as the last vivid hues roll down into the horizon, nearly at the same time as the moon and stars spring forth from their hiding places.

It's a daily dance of Life and more Life. I'm dancing all around you as I sing My songs over you. Like your son delighting you with surprises, holding your hand, and laughing 'hee-hee!' that's all I want from you…. you, happy and whole. I'm always looking for you, always watching for you, just like you do with your children. As happy as you felt to see your daughter's face aglow in the chattering of pre-teens all up and down the aisles, isn't that what REAL LIFE is about, Little One?

Look at the children once again. What makes your heart beat faster? To hear your son and daughter cooing along with the baby, to see the sparkle in your daughter's eyes as she sways to the music of her keyboard?

What would I trade to have you at Home right now, as joyful as the children in the word pictures you've recorded? I'd trade my own life for you.

I don't want your money. I don't need anything. I just want you.

The REAL you.

I want you to be happy being my princess. I am your Bridegroom. It's my job to provide for you, Little One, not the other way around. It's my job to set the world right. But I can't when you are in the way. You think you have to DO it all, but it's already ALL DONE.

I've set the stage for you. There is a part for you to play. But it's not all work and no play.

Just be REAL. Love one another. Put on your carpenter's pants. Get a ladder. Pick up a paintbrush. Take care of each other. Take care of YOU, first.

Take risks, yes… but do it for YOU, because you have a big dream… not because you're told to do it.

Never give up your dreams to build someone else's kingdom.

I'll be with you. I will never leave you or forsake you.

When we give our money to a system… we may be investing into something God is not part of, and therefore, we do not reap a very good harvest. Family is the backbone of society. If we tell our children they must go hungry so that we can give to a church building fund, I believe we are acting unrighteously… and that it is not "faith" to decide to die because you can't afford health care but you can spend money to send missionaries to the foreign field. I believe in abundance. I believe in acts of faith. I believe in taking risks.

But not like we used to do it… instead, like people from Home do it… taking care of our families first. I believe when we have our priorities in order, that we will be fruitful and multiply and there will plenty left over for giving generously. My personal goal is to give away 50% of my income, but I don't call it tithing… it's just the overflow of the Good Shepherd who anoints my head with oil and causes my cup to overflow.

Father's calling us HOME! Home, the safe place…. HOME, the caring place…. HOME, the loving place…. HOME, the fun place…. HOME, the place of intimacy and rest and hope and that is beyond our imagination… because Papa God loves us with a consuming passion that heals us to the core of our being! :)

Choosing love today,


Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate her way out of hell to a rich and satisfying life. In her lifetime, Susan has served in duties ranging from home school mom – to pastor –  to full-time deliverance minister – and to Midwest regional prayer coordinator for a large international ministry. These days you can usually find Susan soaking in her favorite hot springs pool, reading a book (or several), blogging, baking bread, or hanging out with her family and friends. You can get a free copy of Susan's upcoming book, "On the Way Home" by registering here.

Copyright 2012, Susan Schiller, http://TeamFamilyOnline.com. Permission is granted to copy, forward, or distribute this article for non-commercial use only, as long as this copyright byline and bio, in totality, is maintained in all duplications, copies, and link references.  For reprint permission for any commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Simbu November 26, 2018 at 8:59 pm

Dear Sister,  I had to repent for tithing.  Trying to gain some merit for giving God a 10th.  At the Cross through Jesus He gave everything that we may be free from sin and enter into His very presence. '

Tithing is Israels old covenent with God. This is a curse in not fulling the law.  This was their form of taxation.  Jesus says. Matt. 22:21,  "Render onto caesar what is caesars render onto God what is God's. " Notice pay the taxes first.  But He knew everything was God's.   

So when people are borrowing and paying the tithe before they meet their obligations it is not right.  Also when people are told to borrow this also goes against OT.  

Romans 12:8 Owe no one anything but to love one another for he who has loved another has fulfilled the law.    Notice tithing never mentioned to fulfil the law. NT law New commandment of Jesus.

In the NT after the Cross we are commended to give generously.   It is out of the fulness of His giving and taking all the curse of the Law etc that we are now blessed by Him. God Loves a cheerfull giver. In Acts they gave to each other as they had need.  Acts 6 Deacons were set up to make sure that money was fairly distributed to the Jewish and Greek widows.  Few tithing churches have a program to do this today. They received (Not expected to give).  

Beware of Gal. 4 and 5.  Trying to fulfil the law and bringing Christ to nil effect.

That is the worst thing we can do.  That is why  

By trying to fulfil the law and we fall short leaving us without anything.  So Abide in Him.  Look for opportunities to give.  Give what you can do cheefully.  

I have been financially blessed.  But whenever I looked at tithing all things went wrong.  Although when I was generous to the widon orphan and stranger etc. I found I was being blessed and looking back over the year noticed I was able to give well over 10%.  (Tithing was on produce and when turned into cash an extra 20 % was to be given in the OT. ie 12.5%)  

OT people ate their tithe 2 out of 3 years.  Why do churches teach OT giving but  no benefits.

Abraham was blessed before he gave his tithe.  It was a love offering.  

James 1:27.  Tells us that "True religion is to look after  the widow and orphan in their troubles and keep oneself from the world."

Todays tithing doctrine tells us to give up the chain to the would be high priests of the church and we will be blessed.  They are the ones threatening curses of Mal. 3 so that they can be enriched. 

Money is to be administered from the church ( That is the people not the institution. ) and givin to those in real need. 

Not to be channelled up for better and better cars, houses and planes for the high priests( there is only one High Priest and that is Jesus and we are a royal Priesthood.   Priests did not pay tith but distributed all they had.    The money is moving in the wrong direction.  Best to abide in His new covenent than try to gain some merit by tithing.  We are save by grace which means unmerited favour.

Ephesians 2:8,9   For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves,  it is the gift of God lest anyone should boast.






White Dove November 27, 2018 at 7:45 pm

Great thoughts, Simbu, and I appreciate you sharing here – thanks!


Susan Schiller December 22, 2013 at 7:22 pm

"A religious spirit creates a poverty mindset. A poverty sprit is not about economics, it’s about living with meager possibilities. It’s about not understanding your real identity in Christ." – Graham Cooke


Susan Schiller October 9, 2013 at 7:03 am

David Grant, a Christian leader I highly trust, posted another update today: This came from a comment from a previous status about tithing versus giving to someone in need. It's by a friend of mine David Fisher.

For Jesus 1/10th is not enough, nor is 1/5th nor is 9/10ths. He wants it all! Every last cent.

The principle that applies here is stewardship. You don't 'own' anything, you are a steward, guardian or manager of the resources given to you. 'Money', Mammon or wealth (capital) Jesus saw as a deceiver, a trap or snare. Everything belongs to The Lord! Jesus wants you to manage the wealth he gives you for the profit of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Real wealth is both produce and production capacity. Whereas our current system teaches us that wealth is 'capital', this is not true. In-fact capitalism is based on cyclic consumption (both annually and monthly). Whereas real world 'wealth' is based on natural resources eg land, trees, water, coal, iron, animals, people and their status: healthy, pure, nutrient rich versus contaminated and depleted.

Ironically, capitalism teaches us to consume resources, including people and animals. To consume for our 'own' profit. Whereas good stewardship is about managing our resources to ensure they maintain their production capacity, vis-a-vis sustainability…

We will be judged on our stewardship and how much profit we made for the Kingdom of Heaven… When God talks about robbing Him in Malachi, what was actually happening was that the poor and the Levites were not being provided for. By giving to a church which neglects the needs of the vulnerable while guaranteeing the salary of a pastor is obviously an offence to Him. Why does the pastor have a working washing machine but the widow not have one? The principle of giving in the NT is, "They shared everything in common and no one was in need". "My desire is that no one should be hard pressed and another have abundance but that there would be equality"


Susan Schiller October 8, 2013 at 8:54 am

"Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them." – Mother Teresa

My friend David Grant posted this on his Facebook wall today:

"So you know a single mom with 3 kids under 5, who is in need of a washing machine. Your weekly tithe isn't enough to cover the cost but six weeks of tithing would. Would you save up your church tithes to help her out?

“Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but anyone who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’ Matthew 23:16

Today, I just believe in living as simply as possible. My purchases are well-thought out, most of the time, and I choose only the most healthy foods I can buy for the cheapest price (like lots of beans :)…

It's such a better life, for I have more to give…

I don't write this article to criticize those who believe in tithing 10% of their income, but rather to encourage those who want to learn the heart of God regarding tithing… to ask Him what it means…. to study Scripture for yourself and to discover what the Bible really meant… because it's not what most of us have been taught.

All my love,



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