The Princess Warrior Prayer

The Princess Warrior Prayer

By: Kimberly Dimick

Care to listen to the audio, rather than read? Click here 🙂

Arise worship warriors, arise! For your God has seen your low estate and He has heard your cries from on high.

Right in the midst of the taunting of your enemy there is coming a roar and loud cry in the heavens over your lives that will drown out the voice of your enemy. Its reverberations will shake your enemy loose from your lives and cut him off long before he can get to you.

You see your chains BUT your God hears your praise. You see and feel the wind and stormy seas around about you BUT I see a glorious new day over your horizon… You feel the quaking under your feet but it is I who is causing it. I am shaking all that can be shaken and just as it was in Peter's prison long ago…..the chains will fall off and you will walk out of your prison untouched and unscathed.

Trust in Me even though I know it feels hard and confusing and the pain overwhelms you at times. KNOW that your cry has moved Me to answer you, for you could have turned away from the Living God and yet, you have clung to ME even more fiercely.

Your heart has blessed Me. Your love for Me has taken aback the Father of Lights in whom there is no variation or shifting of shadows and the Father will pour out His good gifts upon all of you. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

Say to your mountain, "Move out of my way!!"

DO not fear little ones… have more strength and power than you realize. I have given you all your voice back. Use your voice and say what YOUR great God says!

I will help you make decisions. I will give you wisdom and understanding in your dealings. I will give you favor for you are all highly favored of ME.

KNOW that like Hannah I have heard the cries for your children. I have seen your offering of tears poured at My throne for the lives of your children. There is coming that day when they will understand the cost you have paid to honor Me with your life. They will look to you as their example of faith and unrelenting trust in Your God and stir their hearts to look for the Ancient Path…and I will take their hand and lead them to the WAY everlasting.

I will laugh at your enemy and bring derision in his camp. When he tries to get you one way I will block him and his plans will come to naught right before your eyes. For it is the Lord who has purposed that His daughters will be free and led to safety. He has arranged a date with each of HIS Beloved(s) that will sweep them off their feet.

God knows and sees that it has been like thick darkness covering over you and hiding His glory. His plans and purposes however, will prevail. Look for the Lord in everything. Look for Him to show up for you in unexpected places. God knows how to send help from His sanctuary right when you need it.

Do not always say, "Lord, it seems like my enemy is winning"…NO! I am setting your enemy up and he will fall into the trap and pit he thought was made for you.

I see everything. I am WITH you all. I will come for you and visit you in your dreams. I will speak tenderly to you and in this way you will know it is the Lord. I am interceding for your lives with the Father and He HEARS Me. He always hears ME. Because I am in you and you are in Me, your Abba hears you too.

Arise in strength, daughters of God! Arise and go forth and watch your crooked path become straight. Watch and see that no enemy can take you out of my hand. Watch as what once lay in ruins be rebuilt into a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit filled with My light and glory.

You may think all around you is dead….but that is just what you can see with your human eyes. Some things must die so I can bring new life, a new strength, a new wineskin to pour into.

I will give you new eyesight and you will experience seeing past what is in front of you and instead see and know I am in the midst of you. Fear not little ones for the Father loves you. Fear not and look to Me in your trial as a handmaiden looks to her God.

Note: This prayer is BEST prayed whenever the slightest taunt of the enemy arises… over and over again. Persistence, patience, and the attitude that you will never give up until you see the enemy defeated, dead at your feet. We are not fighting mere mortals… our battle is against principalities, powers, and enemies that are beyond our natural ability to defeat. It's the Word of God – God's heart expressed in words – that is like a Fire bursting from our bellies and into the atmosphere around us that will change our circumstances, supernaturally. If you want to listen to this prayer, click here.

Thank you so much, Kimberly Dimick, for allowing me to share this prayer. Your prayers have saved my life, and I know many more lives will be saved, too!

Kimberly Dimick and her husband, Joshua Dimick, know how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and careers, and so much more. Together and separately they have walked the path of Love, a narrow path, a path that is lonely and not well-used. They know the soul-shattering pain of separation and divorce and the know "The Way Home" to a life of choosing unconditional love.

The surprising answers to a happy marriage are shared in her posts, articles, and her book-in-progress. As you venture on this journey with Kimberly you will experience how God shines His most brilliant light in her darkest hours. Today her mission is to provide a voice to women suffering in silence, shining the Light of Truth into the dark places. As you journey with Kimberly you will witness a true life transformation that will shatter the misinformation and lies commonly fed to women that keep them in false submission.

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

theresa June 19, 2018 at 3:46 pm

Please pray for me and my granddaughter, Im being involved in a smear campaign and one of the wicked lives behind us and became friends with our neighbor who ended up being my granddaughters teacher. I had witnesses the teacher making remarks to my granddaughter and i had her confronted by the school system, so that year she made my granddaughters life a living h___.Maybe i was wrong, but i felt i was right, now theyve got all neighbors against me, my granddaughter doesnt love me anymore, i just want the torment of me and my granddaughter to stop, please pray for us, its getting unbearable


White Dove June 21, 2018 at 9:42 pm


I feel your desperation. A smear campaign is as ugly as it gets, especially when it twists and turns inside a family relationship. I hear you!

As hard as it sounds, from my own experience, I have learned to be quiet, to keep low… 

Like a hurricaine, the smear campaign will pass. If you resist it, you will empower it.

I wish I knew of a better way, but in all my experience this has been what has worked best. 

The worst thing that can happen is that they succeed in getting you to play their low-life games.

Please stay low… you are best friends with God, you know…. when you participate in His suffering.

I’m not saying to be a doormat for their mud-slinging, but to walk with your head high and a smile on your face…. as best as you can, anyway.

And be sure to smile at yourself in the mirror, in private… be best friends with YOU, too.

I’m sorry you’re feeling devastated. I know all too well how that feels. 

I ask God to pour on His mercy and grace and to give you favor…..


Pamela Gae Christian April 5, 2017 at 2:20 am

Thankyou I find thid very encouraging and comforting,plz pray for me ,Iv just gotten out of yet another abusive relationship,I need to learn how to stop this cycle, I have too much empathy which Iv come to learn has made me a target for physchopaths etc I was abused growing up ,been abused my entire life,I am now a senior citizen trying to l8ve on my own finding it very challenging in soo many ways .plz pray for my l9ved ones as well thankyou very much pam












karen April 6, 2014 at 12:35 am

Please pray for me. I need strength for this nightmare.


Susan Schiller April 7, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Dear Karen,

I’m so sorry you are living in a nightmare right now. I published a prayer by Kimberly Dimick today, just for you: – Some of it is prophetic, that is, it speaks to a time of fulfillment in the future. These are words you invest in your heart and mind, like a bank deposit. They are filled with Truth and spoken in Love… they have the power to create your reality. Please know that we love you and agree with Heaven for you to have strength to awaken, to rise up, and to be resurrected in the power of Christ!

I know you are hurting and struggling. I want you to know that your heartache matters to me. I wish I had some way of swooping down and lifting you up, darling girl. 


When I was a young girl, struggling in many of the same ways you do, there was this one, kind and gentle woman who always loved on me. She always encouraged my heart even when I was at the lowest of lows. So, I know the importance of having people in your corner who love you and believe in you.


You are LOVED and, even more importantly, you are LOVEABLE!


Really, what I want you to know is the same thing she told me–that you are LOVED and even more important, LOVEABLE. Many people will reject us throughout our life but I pray that you never believe their words or lies.


When you have no strength to protect yourself, God shields and covers you.


I pray for you that you are surrounded by God as with a shield. I ask that God covers you and protects you when you feel as if you can not find the strength to protect yourself.


I ask God to bring you behind a wall of separation from every person or pain and that in those quiet moments, just between you and Jesus, you will revel in each others love.


I pray this year that God is magnified over every situation and circumstance and they become so small in comparison to His majesty and glory — that weightiness of God coming to bear against all that hurt or seek to harm you.


I pray that those secret and precious things of your heart are unearthed again and you feel the joy of dreaming again, of hoping again.


It is safe to dream again, honey!


I pray that you will know, “Jesus loves Me, this I know, for the Bible tells Me so!”  I pray that this kind of simplicity chases away your confusion, your troubles and hardship.


I ask that God would take difficult things and show you how nothing at all is too difficult for Him. I pray you see God running toward YOU, arms outstretched, excited to GET TO YOU.


I pray that you will see yourself as God sees you — even and especially when you feel or think God would overlook you because you are tattered and torn.God LOVES to finish what He starts. He loves that you love Him and need Him. Jesus will never, ever, ever give up on you. I wish you could see you the way God does.


You are BEAUTIFUL. Kindness is always in your hand and in your speech. You have remained sensitive and sweet even though you have been through more in your life than most face in a lifetime. You have so much to give to others.


The River of God is carrying away your sorrows, even pulling it out by the roots!


I see a river of joy coming to your desolate places and watering those places within that are dry and cracked. I see that river gaining momentum and carrying away your sorrows, that have taken hold of you like the roots of a tree go down, but the power of its torrent pulls them out.


I see God replanting you, a planting of the Lord and new roots are going down deep, deep deep and nothing can in any way shake you from the place HE has planted you.


Your deep intimacy with the Lord, even in this deep suffering, is bringing you very near the Kingdom, and a time of fruitfulness is near!


I see you planted in a place that is near the very borders of what looks like the kingdom of heaven is only an arms length away! Yet, the land you are in is also pleasant and fruitful because of its proximity to that Kingdom. Your heart’s nearness to God is what is making this place so abundant and fruitful.


Everything you do, you are doing for Jesus! Everything you do, you are looking at heaven to get the plan. Your life is like that reflection of heaven on earth.


He IS watching over your life to perform what you could not conceive of in your time of sorrow and grief.


God knows how you feel like darkness envelops you behind those clouds–but clouds will give way to sunshine! Look, sweet one, Jesus will rescue you because He loves you. He really loves you.


Even when God uproots or overthrows it is so He can plant, and rebuild, restore and ESTABLISH you, firmly and forever in HIS LOVE.  






Michaela February 24, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Finding my way back home from the ruins a broken place of heart ache and unrelenting pain…..please pray for stability,security,financial success and a place to call home for me and my two beautiful children. 

Thank you 

Michaela D. Remigio


Susan Schiller February 26, 2014 at 7:38 am

Dear Michaela,

I hear your heartbeat for your children and you to be able to safe and secure. I believe with you for the right people, situations, and events to happen to bring you to that place.

I prayed this “Princess Warrior Prayer” and many other prayers so often… I truly believe the Heaven-sent words helped to create a way for me. I know they did. I give you this blessing from my own heart… May God give to you all that He’s given to me, in double measure.

I wish I could give you a hug. I pray for strength and assurance to come through this little comment box, which appears so very small to me.

All my love,



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