Be You. Live Free. Tell your Story!

Hi, I'm White Dove. I write from the wilderness, literally and spiritually. Can a city woman become a rancher? A former homeschooling mom, run a hazmat site? What are the odds a Chicago children's pastor would go live among Indians, out West? Those are some of my adventures I write about.

Mainly, I share pieces of my memoir, writing naked and unashamed, because my life message is that hitting rock bottom and losing everything can be the defining moment of your life… because that's my message for anyone who's lived through a hellish nightmare. 

On the other side of rejection, abandonment, and betrayal is the place where you find your true self. 

As we write together, we witness each other's stories, helping each other to rewrite the nightmare into a beautiful future!

My goal is to take as many hurting women as I can on a joyful journey deep into the heart of Love, so that you, too, can rebuild your life by discovering your Soul's blueprint!

This blog began with a burning vision, back in 2010….

I saw women and children who had been abused boldy and vulnerably sharing their stories. Their writing created beauty out of chaos, as they re-framed their past and re-wrote their future.

I saw families not only living together, but working as family entreprenuers and inventors. Families truly became the backbone of society – spiritually, governmentally, socially, and economically. 

I saw justice and righteousness racing to join beauty and truth. The artists and inventors, the women and children, the disabled and despised, the misfits and broken ones were paving the way.

Can we really write ourselves into a better world? Why not?

Let us pick up our books and pens. They are the most powerful weapons. – Malala Yousafzai, seventeen-year old winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

This peaceful place is the staging area where we discover God's original design recorded in the blueprint of our very own souls!

My Purpose

How do we accomplish our mission? We simply write our memoirs. It's in the writing that we understand and make peace with our past. Writing unearths the treasures and we sow them like seeds into our future. In the process, identity is restored, and with it, our inheritance. We are becoming who we were created to be. Together, we are restoring the backbone of society – the family.

Live the Adventure!

If you have a passion to write a memoir in such a way as to re-write the story of your life, to step into your destiny, join me by registering at the top right hand side of this page, just under my picture! Stop or start anytime, advance at your own pace. Live the adventure!

Contact me     Kind Words from Readers     What I Believe   My Story

With all my love,

White Dove

Hi, I'm White Dove. Yes, it's my pen name, and it was given to me by a blind man who shyly whispered it to me in a Divine encounter. Yes, it's my real picture… just an ordinary selfie.

I live with my family in the mountains, surrounded by ancient forests, pure streams, and mighty rivers… but I also travel quite a bit.

My kingdom career is a Heart Scribe. I love to write from God's heart and have been recording His living Word for the past three decades. It's brought me so much beauty, joy, peace, and happiness!

I love to inspire trauma survivors to write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into the future. We dip our pens in blood and write the pain away… as God has shown me how to do, in the company of supportive friends and family. We are writing ourselves into a better world, beginning with discovering our own original design recorded in the DNA of our soul, and it's the most exciting place to be!

Copyright © 2018 Heart Scribes, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact me. 

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Julie Jordan Scott November 2, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Your words are written so beautifully. What a gift you have!


White Dove December 8, 2013 at 6:39 pm

You're so very kind, Julie – thanks very much for brightening my day!


Marvia October 31, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Encouraging.  Always uplifting the soul and reminding us that the darkness cannot hold us.  Light always leads home to His heart!  Keep at it sister!  These words matters!


White Dove October 31, 2013 at 7:08 pm

You are always so encouraging, Marvia – thank you, from my heart 🙂


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