Help is on the Way!

Help is on the Way!

By: Kimberly Dimick

Previous Stories: Kimberly's Love Story & From Ruin to Restoration, Josh's Love Story

I have sensed in my heart from the Lord and cannot shake it, that the Lord is moving even now and even as you read this Word and receive His love for you, that something is breaking open in the spiritual realms over your lives unlike you are familiar with. I have sat on this, as I do get scared to "prophesy" a Word from the Lord. This is not leaving me, and so I am obeying Him in my heart. For whatever it is worth, my brothers and sisters, here is what God has laid upon my heart…

I sense strongly that, "HELP IS ON THE WAY!" The Lord is charging His messengers – His angels – to come to your aid. He is sending reinforcements from on high and many of you who have never in a milion years thought you would ever encounter angelic movement are going to be surprised. Ha! Do not fear, little ones, they will come unawares and in ways you have not or could not dream up!

I feel this strongly, that there are more with us than those who are against us. Oh, there has been an army who has tried to withstand the Lord, but the zeal of your God is about to flip things around. Those things which have been upside down and unjust and unfair will SUDDENLY flip RIGHT SIDE UP.

What was way off base and completely opposite of what it should be will take on a complete REVERSAL. Those who have suffered persecution will be praised. Those who have been poverty stricken will suddenly be blessed. Those who have fought the legal system will be sown favor from judges. Those who have been poverty stricken will suddenly be blessed. Those who have fought against you will JOIN YOU and those who have ripped you apart will be agreeing with you, and those who we never dreamed would turn back to God will be like Paul on the road to Damascus. Those who defamed you and brought a reproach upon your character will repent to you.

In Isaiah, it says, "When God ACTS, WHO can reverse it? When God moves and raises up a standard against the enemy WHO can stand? God is showing me that when one is in a battle for a long time that a weariness settles in and it does affect our faith in God for the impossible, but God knows this and by the way He is NOT angry. God is going to revive the hearts of many, even couples who have fought and fought and fought and poured and poured out and drench them with the rains of God to refresh and for others to resurrect FOR them the deadness around them. God is saying that He does not want you to assume you may know what they will look like or how He will do that. Often we are so desperate for anything to happen that we misinterpret God's movement. So look and wait and listen for Him to come to your rescue.

Remember that just because the enemy tries to pull out its last weapon to frighten you that it means absolutely nothing! God is greater and He is making you to walk in triumph, victory and an overcoming spirit.

God sees that for many of you, your strength feels as if it is sapped and you are emptied out to the point of wanting to give up and hide. For others, your hearts are fearful of the future and you are discouraged that nothing good will ever come from the ruins of your lives.

And still for others you are feeling that you have trusted and believed God and yet, He seems afar off and even as if God Himself has closed Himself off to you. ALL of you have walked a path that if someone had ever dared to tell you that your marriages and your life would come to this point you would have bowed out a long time ago…..that having faith in God seems like some cruel joke and you shudder in self-condemnation.

God wants you to know that He is NOT taken aback at your brutal honesty, your questions, your vulnerability. He does SEE you and He IS listening. He understands that you can not see the end from the beginning. The Lord knows that your eyesight is limited and your view has been blocked. He is a compassionate God who sees your frailty and knows your back is up against the the wall….all you can see is what is in front of you and can not see yet the way out. BUT, the end of the thing has not been seen yet.

The Lord is NOT writing your heart off. He is for many of you in the shadows and behind the scenes working a work you can not fully know or see as the finishing touches are being put on His plans for you…. and that shadow you think is the enemy closing in on you is the Lord Himself covering you, hiding you under His wings. There is still light where you are as HE is that light. 

You may feel as if the darkness has eveloped you, but the Lord will not let you go, will not let your enemy win when all is said and done. Your enemy is looking for you but you are hidden. You feel scared because you see the battlefield and think you are in the actual battle but in fact you are out of the reach of the enemy and looking DOWN on the battlefield and soon you will see a turnaround and watch as God sends your enemy into derision. Even for many of you, your husbands will be seen for who they really are and you will be vindicated. Their ways are going to catch up with them and YOU will not need to lift a finger.

The Lord will fight FOR YOU. Yes, YOU have in the past fought with His sword and wielded the Word of God but you did not know that the enemy of your life was in those very moments mortally wounded.

Praise God for His unending and enduring love for the the widow, the poor, the downtrodden and the faltering. He is coming, HELP IS ON THE WAY!!

With love and concern,



Kimberly Dimick and her husband, Joshua Dimick, know how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and careers, and so much more. Together and separately they have walked the path of Love, a narrow path, a path that is lonely and not well-used.

They intimately understand the soul-shattering pain of separation and divorce and they also know "The Way Home" to a life of choosing unconditional love.

The surprising answers to a happy marriage are shared in her posts, articles, and their book-in-progress.

As you venture on this journey with Kimberly and Josh you will experience how God shines His most brilliant light in her darkest hours. Today their mission is to provide a voice to women suffering in silence, shining the Light of Truth into the dark places.

As you journey with Kimberly and Josh you will witness a true life transformation that will shatter the misinformation and lies commonly fed to women that keep them in false submission.

More Marriage Advice & Letters from Kimberly Dimick


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lisa September 8, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Wow thank you so much for being obiedient to speaking this Word.  Totally right on track with what is going on in my life and words the Lord has spoken in my heart this last couple of years.  He gave me a Word this winter to Reverse the Curse – priase God – praise God – the victory is in sight.  


Susan Schiller September 8, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Wow, Lisa! I feel like we must be sisters or something!

“Reverse the curse” is a word the Lord showed me, as well… I wrote about it at

“Victory is in sight” – I agree with you! I hope we meet one day soon 🙂


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