Marriage 101

Create Your Own Jail Break By: Susan Deborah Schiller  Standing up to Sociopaths – A Collection of Essays Telling your story is important, on many levels. First, for your own freedom. The second is because it lights up the darkness around you. The third is that your story becomes a portal for Heaven to invade the darkness on […]


The Princess Warrior Prayer By: Kimberly Dimick Care to listen to the audio, rather than read? Click here 🙂 Arise worship warriors, arise! For your God has seen your low estate and He has heard your cries from on high. Right in the midst of the taunting of your enemy there is coming a roar […]


The Most Powerful Weapon to Defeat a Smear Campaign By: White Dove The best part of life is creating memories with our friends and family. We laugh at old jokes and tease each other for past escapades. Who doesn't like to reminisce about the good ole days? It's like a fountain of neverending life, and […]


Abusers: You Don't Need to Forgive Them or Give Them More Grace Sermon Audio by Sam Powell I hope you will listen to Sam Powell's sermon (link above). I've taken a few notes from the sermon, below. What he preaches is contrary to the policy of many churches. It's the Truth, as I have experienced […]


Love's Truest Meaning By: Kimberly Dimick I have been thinking and meditating on Jesus as our Bridegroom… It is God who spins, like golden threads, the fascination of romance and passion… God who is ravished by His Bride and is swept away by her beauty.   Christ's love was demonstrated out in the open to […]


Kimberly Dimick's Response to Ron Carpenter's 2-Minute In-a-Nutshell Teaching of Marriage 101 (Link to Ron's 2-Minute Word Here) YES and yes! We LIVE this and I can testify….God's truth works! I am MOST taken aback by how easy and peaceful it is. I have the most amazing marriage because Joshua loves God's truth. He knows […]


She Fears No One and Nothing! By: Kimberly Dimick These words, like flaming missiles, are prayed and declared on behalf of a woman who has overcome so much, and yet faces more battles on the pathological co-parenting front. She feels weak, but together we are mighty! The end result of her trials is a princess who […]


Falling Apart – When the Grief is too Big to Bear By: Kimberly Dimick It is hard to explain to someone what it's like to give yourself permission to fall apart, to NOT be strong. It is more than this feeling of just letting go; it is the sense that giving up is the only option left. […]


You're Never Alone By: Kimberly Dimick This is a time dear heart, I sense that the smallest, even insignificant whispers of the Lord will be reminders to you that you are not alone. It is true that when life is chaotic and every evil thing is unleashed against us that the noise of our enemy […]

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Silence is Evil's Favorite Accomplice By: Kimberly Dimick Editor's Note: As Christian wives, often we equate gentleness, mercy, and grace with holiness. We think of Jesus who was led to slaughter without raising his voice. We understand that "long suffering, patience and kindness" are gifts of the Holy Spirit. And most of all, we've heard all […]


The Little Girls We Were are Coming Back to us! By: Kimberly Dimick In the "Hope for Survivors" series God wants each of you to know that He is not done and this is not the end, but the beginning of a new beginning. New beginnings come in increments or steps. The most treacherous part […]


What Does Papa God Say about all the Betrayal and Injustice? When Will It End? By: Kimberly Dimick  "Where does the betrayal and injustice end???" asks a young wife, betrayed and abandoned by the one who once promised to love, honor, and cherish her till death do they part. Kimberly Dimick responds: My heart breaks […]

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Your Valley of Trouble is a Door of Hope By: Kimberly Dimick Many of us see our own brokenness as an end to life, but, author, Glennon Doyle Melton, shares with us that it is only the beginning. Grief has a way of opening up parts of our lives to unexpected joy and hope. It […]


Beware of the strong woman! By: White Dove Warning: Trigger alert. Please don't read if you are sensitive to images of family violence. "I'm ashamed of you! Why can't you have more grace?" said my pastor, after telling him I was divorcing my husband. We were just shy of our 20-year anniversary and the LAST […]


dark night of the soul

 Walking Through the Dark Night of the Soul By: Kimberly Dimick It is okay NOT to know. None of us "knows" everything. We all go through seasons of doubt, despair and what some call the "dark night of the soul". You are not alone nor are you the first child of God to question what […]


Prayer for a Woman in Need By: Kimberly Dimick Father, I pray you give her times of refreshing in the Lord and breathe new life into every part of her being. Wash over her. I speak the Name of Jesus over her life, every part, and declare the blood of Jesus over her ENTIRE life. For LIFE is in […]

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Shining Light into the Murky Depths of Marital Abuse   By: Kimberly Dimick   Women are often sent demeaning messages from well-meaning but misinformed Christians that minimize and marginalize what they suffer in surviving an abusive marriage.    Later, in post-divorce recovery, especially when the perpetrator's behavior is on-going via co-parenting, they continue to be sent messages that invalidate their pain. We […]


She Has a Right to Be Loved By: Kimberly Dimick I find that many ministers are not bold enough to confront men about being tyrants in their homes. So MANY women are silenced–their voices squelched from even crying out to be rescued. Why? The Church will not believe her. This is the worst stain upon […]


Diary of a Battered Preacher’s Wife – “Straight Talk, Wife-to-Wife” A letter from a dear friend, Kimberly Dimick, when I was “King’s Bride” on a marriage forum… listen in as a formerly abused wife shares when it’s time for a Christian wife to back away from her marriage and to quit standing, praying, and waiting […]


Help is on the Way! By: Kimberly Dimick Previous Stories: Kimberly's Love Story & From Ruin to Restoration, Josh's Love Story I have sensed in my heart from the Lord and cannot shake it, that the Lord is moving even now and even as you read this Word and receive His love for you, that […]