These Boys are So BUSTED!

Blood Hound Bust

Part 3: The Larry & Jeff Stories

By: Randy McKenzie

"Dad, can we sleep outside tonight?" pleaded my two eight and nine-year old sons, Larry and Jeff. "All right, but I want you in your sleeping bags once the sun goes down." It was a warm summer night and a very spur-of-the moment idea. Why not?

Little did I realize that just down the street a few more little boys were asking their parents the same question! It seems the neighborhood youth were planning a night of untamed little boy madness and glee… with a rendezvous planned in our small mountain town.

I'm a little like my dog, Fanny, a pure blooded Bloodhound… with a strong sniffer for little boys' stunts and tricks. Fanny and I were best friends and she went with me everywhere! A little after sunset Fanny and I went out to check on the boys. We discovered two sleeping bags under the starry sky, but they were awfully quiet… and flat!

So I let Fanny have a good sniff of the empty sleeping bags and turned her loose! I had to run to catch up… she was hot on their trail. It wasn't but 10-minutes later that I heard, "Oh Dad! That's just not fair!!!"

You just can't get away with anything when a big bloodhound joins the family! She had plenty of experience. Fanny earned her keep, and I'll tell you how…

In our town was a boarding school for troubled teenagers. These kids were sent to school out in the Montana wilderness… nearly every week one of the students would try to run away. But usually by nightfall they were terrified enough of the night sounds and night creatures that when they were discovered they were more than happy and very ready to be escorted back home!

That's where Fanny came in… I would take her to the boarding school, let her sniff the missing students' beds, and then off she'd run through the woods! The farthest we had to run was 7-miles but we never missed catching the runaways! Fanny and I collected a lot of bounty. 🙂

You would have thought Larry and Jeff would have expected their nighttime adventure would have been interrupted, but you know… boys will be boys!

How about you? Have you ever run away from home, or thought about it? What's the naughtiest thing you ever did, as a child?

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