Listening With Your Heart to Hear Your Baby’s Name

What's in a Baby's Name?

By: Susan Schiller   Photo Credit

A name is so important – it's what a child is going to hear all day long for the rest of her life. It's what she will answer to, and it's who she will become. In some cultures, a baby-naming ceremony creates a deeply meaningful memory that will create a legacy for this child, even while in the womb.

What exactly is in a name? What makes baby-naming so important?

Please travel with me to a distant place… A figure in a long dress is seen trekking into the jungle. She is young and graceful, a bit timid. She walks lightly in her early pregnancy. Three women accompany her, with something like knapsacks on their backs. It's a girls-only mission, but soon everyone in the village will participate in this momentous event.

Nope, she is not going to have her baby out in the middle of nowhere. These women are on a mission to hear the child's song. A new soul has arrived, and even though the child is yet unseen, growing in the warm, watery womb, her voice can be heard, if you listen with your heart.

In some cultures you are never alone. It's said it takes a community to raise a child, and so it is. This young mother is not alone. She brings women friends of all ages and experience with her. Together, in the quiet of the wilderness or the jungle or the desert, they will listen for the baby's unique melody.

Every soul has its own vibration – you might call it a song. As you listen to the song it will tell you the story of the child, who he is, who he will become.

When the women discover the child's song, they sing it together, over and over, memorizing the lyrics and the melody. They sing as they travel back to the community, where the child – still in her mommy's womb – they listen, learn, and memorize the new song. And so this child is welcomed into the community, sight unseen! She knows she is wanted. She knows she is needed. She knows she has a destiny!

My own daughters, Jill and Sara, with Leigha.

This community will sing this baby's song at all the most important turning events of the child's life: first birthday, adolescence, graduation, and even at his funeral. This child will never feel lost or alone, even if something happens to his parents. His community will keep singing his song for him, reminding him of who he is and what he's here to accomplish – his destiny. He will always have a sense of purpose. His own soul recognizes the song being song. It's the same vibration.

What a living family legacy this culture has created! It's like "soul-insurance". In contrast to modern American culture where nearly everything is institutionalized, leaving a generation of young people feeling "lost" and unsure about the meaning of their lives.

When I first became pregnant with Jill I just knew in my heart a little soul was inside me. It was very early in the morning and I had just experienced morning sickness for the first time. Putting the toilet lid down and sitting, I broke out into praise to God for this child's life and I dedicated her, right there, to the one who created her and gave her to me as a gift.

Suddenly there was this new life inside of me and I could hardly wait to see who she was! So I began praying, asking God to show me who she was. And little by little, pictures would emerge. One was a title of a book, and I knew that my daughter was going to not have an easy life, that there would be a big mountain for her to overcome. I named her "Jill" after the main character of the book, "The Other Side of the Mountain" – A Story of a True Champion, Jill Kinmont. I saw clearly that my daughter's victory would take every bit as much courage as Jill Kinmont's, and that she would succeed with much courage and strength. Her life would not be easy, but it would well worth it!

Jill, today, is a very courageous young woman and what stands out to me is her boldness and strength. I admire her in so many ways, and she is well respected in her career field. She is creative and entrepreneurial, starting her own business from home, too. There is more coming for her, for some of what is planned for her is still in the future, so I know how to pray and believe for Jill, since I began seeing these pictures while praying for her before her birth.

Long before my daughter Sara was conceived I began to think about her. And when my second pregnancy was confirmed, I lovingly took her to her Creator, as well. And a whole different picture emerged. I began to see her heart, and how she would be a most loving mother. I saw she had great faith, even like Abraham and Sarah, in the Old Testament. So Sara she became, and even though she is only in her mid-twenties, Sara has put herself through college on an accelerated course while raising a baby as a single mom. She has twice moved across country, all her animals and everything! And she is considering another move across country once again.

Recently, her Facebook status said: "Don't be afraid to step out of your 'comfort zone', otherwise you'll never know what great things might happen when you take that big step." She walks what she talks, and with such a sense of humor!

My third pregnancy took me by surprise, and since all of my children are 18-months apart, you can probably imagine my hands were very full with two babies already. But still, when a new soul springs to life inside of you, there is nothing like pressing in to see who this new little person is!

Today we have ultrasounds with 3D cameras to peek inside the womb and see what our babies look like. But long before this technology arrived, God created us with inner sight called "faith". Faith is seeing the invisible and calling what God's Word says into being. This inner sight is also called our imagination. It's not fantasy – it's making something real. It's calling forth from Heaven into the "real" world, and what is not becomes what is.

So Robert arrived shortly after Jill's 3rd birthday, and I knew before he was born that he was going to have a great, huge heart of love for people. I used to listen every day to a gentle and loving preacher named Robert Cole, and I believe my son-in-the-womb was listening, also, and feeling what I was feeling as I listened to this great man speak.

And so it was. I named my son "Robert" after this preacher. It was evident from the day he was born that Robbie was "different". People were magnetized to him. He smiled continuously, and there was something in his smile that caused people to want to hold him. I know that's very common, but this was somewhat different, because people would tell me, after holding Robbie, that they felt so much better. It was like Robbie was healing their hearts, making people feel better, even as a baby. I began to see this happening all throughout the first 10-years of his life, in particular.

He experienced the usual adolescent phases, which kind of diminished the "special gift" it seemed… but really it was still there. At age 12, Robbie told me (recorded in my Bible) that God has told him he would preach in front of thousands of people and many would receive God's love.

As a young adult now, Rob's heart has only grown stronger in gentle love. This past week he came to visit me and we had such deep talks, in which I could feel his tender heart for souls. He really loves people from the depths of his heart, and he's always searching to lift up the most broken ones.

So I watch my children grow up, and I have seen that the path they are treading is carrying them to their destiny. It doesn't matter that for even years at a time it seems that all is lost, that they took a wrong turn. It doesn't matter. Through intense hardship, I have learned to trust them in God's hands.

I cannot protect them like He can. I can't help them like He can. Really, I can do nothing except pray and believe. I can "sing their song".

Maybe if I listen, once again, I will hear the melody. For now, all I see are the words and the pictures. Like an old film with no sound! Oh yes… I want to hear, too!

Family is the backbone of society… it really does take a community to raise a child. That is why I am writing… that's why I'm here. This is my own mission/purpose/destiny in life!

So what do you think about naming babies?

What is your family tradition? How have you named your children? I'd love to hear… there's a little comment box below. You can be anonymous, if you wish!

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With all my love,


Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate to freedom and fullness.  

Today Susan helps abuse survivors write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into the future, creating new family legacies.

Copyright © 2010 to 2016 Team Family Online, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Angeline S. Dillon February 14, 2013 at 10:22 am

He showed me what a precious and valued jewel she was in His sight. He had laid in her the talents, the qualities, intelligences and graces for greatness and the experiences of life had cut facets on His investment that were like a master craftsman would cut on a remarkable quality jewel. Her facets radiated with the integrity, diligence, perseverance, grace, kindness, friendship, loyalty, laughter, joy, peace, endurance, intelligence, orderliness, forgiveness in colours so deep and rich that it was breathtaking to behold. I admired her, honoured her and revered her from that moment of revelation. I live in Africa and have tried to come to Israel annually though I have not always succeeded so the interaction and times of fellowship and friendship have been limited over these years, but the love and honour, respect and appreciation has been deep and rich. The All Africa Convocations in Ethiopia have been times of sharing in a tremendous love for Africa, her lands, her people and God’s purposes and callings in Africa. In April 2004 on the Gion Hotel message paper she blessed me with the scripture from Ruth 3:11 “And now my daughter do not fear, for I will do for you all that you request for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.” She knew me in the spirit realm also for I was just beginning the life as mother to the Abraham children orphan children in the Kingdom of Swaziland.


Susan McKenzie February 16, 2013 at 10:38 am

Dear Angeline,

What a beautiful story, so very precious! Thank you for taking time to share your magnificent heart here!

Love and blessings,


Kimberly October 31, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Susan, I always believed that naming one's child matters too.One can see this in Jewish tradition and how the father would choose the child's name because they believed a name inherently pronounced a blessing over that child's life. It is a beautiful tradition.

Naming our second child would take a few twists and turns. Our first child is a boy and named, Gabriel Joseph. I was hoping and dreaming "in pink" when my the next pregnancy would come. I was thrilled when the sonogram said my second was a girl and confirmed by a faster heartbeat. Well, I had packed a pink, layered dress, with gorgeous hand smocking, matching bonnet and shoes in my hospital suitcase as I waited for the arrival of my baby girl. Well, surprise, surprise on April 1st, of all days, the doctor says, "It's a BOY!!" The first thing I said, was, "Oh, ha, ha, April fool's right?"…."Ummmm"…He said, "No, it really is a boy!" I had no name picked out for a boy!! I had picked out Hannah Grace for a girl. Boy, (pun intended), I was shocked. I felt disappointed and then, of course, I felt even worse for feeling disappointed as I had wanted a girl sooooooo badly. Growing up with 7 brothers and our family cranking out boys left and right…I don't know, I thought a little girl would change my world!!  God knew better.

I could not come up with a boy's name though, and the nurses kept yelling at me, "You have to name this child before you leave the hospital!!" I felt a frantic but did not want to be pushed into a name I regretted or the child either! My husband Joshua and I kept going through boy's names and nothing "sounded right" at all. One night, after all the visitors left my room, I was praying so earnestly for God's help in choosing this baby's name. I was asking God, "Who is this little boy?" "What is his name?" All the nurses, my mother, and everyone was inundating us with names! We liked so many names but not their meanings or it did not go with our last name. I could not decide! One night the cleaning lady came in and asked if I was the woman who had an unnamed baby?…"Ha, I laughed embarrassingly." I said, "Wow, this is really getting around the maternity ward! Yes, that would be me". She said, "What about Nathaniel?" I said…"Oh no, when I was in College there was this really sweet guy who was geeky and nerdy and I told myself, I could never name my child Nathaniel, as it reminded me of that kid." Gheesh, I could not believe I actually admitted that out loud! "Not too shallow, huh?"…. I thought to myself! So, I looked up the name and it said, "Given by the Lord." I was amazed at how perfect the meaning of that name landed in my heart and spirit. I just knew that I knew, God had just named our baby boy. As clear as a bell, inside, I heard God speak to my heart…"I know you wanted a baby girl, so badly. I know." "One day you will know why I named him this name. One day you will need to hold on to the meaning of his name." 

Well since his first name was 3 syllables we had to come up with a middle name! We ended up choosing Ian because it was a derivative of John. When I looked up the meaning it said, "A gift of God." So now, I had a little boy whose name was a double gift from God!

It would not be until years later, when, I stood over a hospital bed wondering if my then 15 year old would live or die from a drug overdose. In those moments, God reminded me that God gave me this son and named him. I had forgotten all about that "angel" in my room that night years earlier who spoke his name.  (I am convinced it was an angel, unawares). I remember God saying to me, "He gave me this child and that God loved him and one day Nathaniel would surprise me. That though his life was breaking my heart and causing so much anguish, that one day, one day…God would raise him up to be a mighty man of God. That Nathaniel, was "given" to me for a purpsoe and sent here to do a work for the Lord….that he is a gift to me and to the world….I would see it with my own eyes." I am still waiting for that day. I still believe it is coming. When I fear for his life, I remember God naming him. I remember the promise of his name. I know one day I will see that promise come to pass even though he is away from the Lord right now. I still hear God say, "Hold on, remember who I said Nathaniel is."


Susan McKenzie November 1, 2012 at 7:17 am

Oh Kimberly, the more I hear of your story and all that God has done in you and through, I cannot cease being amazed, humbled, inspired, and excited!

Today, as I am concerned for my own son, I take your words to heart! But more than that, I take your sons Nathanial and Gabriel to my heart, as well. When Satan enters our homes to steal, kill, and destroy it would seem the damage is never-ending in its ripple effect in our families. BUT GOD has plans to restore what the locusts ate… and to bring ABUNDANT life!

As we share our stories, we are entering into this victory and standing in faith from that victory spot, and believing for each other’s children and families. It’s such a privilege and honor to hear your heartbeat, Kimberly. You are a rare woman of faith – one who sees beauty and treasure, even when hidden in the dark places.

God is opening to you this rich storehouse, for your heart is to lay down your life to love others… while loving Him first and foremost. May Nathaniel and Gabriel feel this amazing love wherever they are right now… may they wake up sensing God’s heartbeat for them, wooing them into the great love adventure.

Thanks, Kimberly….


Carolyn Hughes September 29, 2012 at 12:54 pm

What a lovely story about your children's names. Such a lot of thought goes into picking a child's name and I often feel sorry for those children of celebrities that are called something obscure! I love biblical names, so our first daughter we called Rebecca. We chose Grace for the middle name of my second daughter because it was only by God's grace that she came into the world.
Lovely post!


Susan McKenzie September 29, 2012 at 2:16 pm

Those are lovely names, Carolyn…. and to imagine the whole family thinks of “grace” each time your daughter’s name is mentioned, even if it’s the middle name…. and the story of Isaac and Rebeccah… wow! What a woman of faith to travel with a strange woman to a strange land to marry a man sight unseen! Or even to water a stranger’s camels… a powerful name… I love it! Thanks so much for sharing, Carolyn! I look forward to hearing more of your story – you are a very courageous woman and I’m grateful for your transparency <3


Olga Hermans September 28, 2012 at 9:37 am

Such a beautiful story Susan; you had three babies….I love the name Robert/Robbie. My brother's name is Robbie….how awesome that you really listened to hear them in your womb. I wasn't a Christina back then when I was pregnant, but I always "knew" their names and had great comfort in that I remember. I believe that parents know the names they should give to their babies, but your story is exceptional though! 


Susan McKenzie September 28, 2012 at 3:06 pm

Hi Olga… the more I hear little pieces of your story, the more I hope to hear the rest!

When I think about this African community, it causes me to feel like there can be so much more to our experience as “families” … I love to hear stories from other cultures – it’s so enriching.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing, Olga!


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