A New Compass

What Do You Want?

By: White Dove

What if a simple question, "What do you want?" were to reset your compass needle? What if following your dream is a God-given mandate that you not only deserve but are required to pursue? It certainly helps to know your destination!

As an abuse survivor, I discovered that changing my mindset was like getting a new compass. My old way of thinking landed me in harm's way, but my new way of thinking is helping me to emerge from brokennes into a meaningful life.

To answer the question, "What do you want?" you must exercise your imagination. To imagine means to expect, to dream, to anticipate, to visualize, to believe. Answering, "What do I want?" launches your inner compass to point to Kingdom solutions, or you might also call it "popping a qwiff".

Quantum physicists call this oberservation of potential realities "Popping a Qwiff"

Popping a qwiff initiates the chain reaction of a quantum leap, according to David Van Koevering in "The Physics of Heaven".

David quotes "1 Corinthians 1:28 ”…God (has) chosen…things which are not (the invisible) to bring to naught things which are (the visible).” and continues by saying, "This Scripture makes sense only when you understand it at the atomic and subatomic level. Everything is made up of atoms, which are frequencies of energy. These frequencies of energy are the voice of Jesus causing all things to be! Atoms are made up of subatomic particles, and subatomic particles are made up of superstrings (which are toroidal vortices of energy). Superstrings are tiny donut shaped packets of energy that spin at a frequency – or sing as in a pitch."

Maybe this is what Miriam Hellman means when she coaches us to "rise up!"

"Despite what other people might think is your fate in the future, God is ready to deliver you out of all the expectations of your enemies. Some of your enemies are sure that you are finished. God says you are only beginning. Rise up." ~ Miriam Hellman

"What do you want?" my friend. Where do you want to be in five years? In ten? 

All the best things in life are free. It's not as hard as it appears to emerge from abuse, or to create abuse-free zones. It begins with asking yourself, "What do you want?" Where do you want to be? What do you see yourself doing, if you had no limitations?

This isn't a one-step cure-all for recovering from abuse, but it is a way to begin to look forward and to emerge from the abyss of confusion and grief. For some of us it's been too dark for so long. We need a ray of Light! This exercise is a way to activate that new way of thinking… of following the Light!

Have you ever pondered – like seriously imagined – what you want to be, do, and have in the next chapter of your life story? The danger of not asking this question is living by default with the same mindset that opened you up to abuse.

Perhaps the hardest, yet most profitable job of all is to imagine the impossible and then begin moving in the direction of our dreams!

In God, we have no limitations. Every resource we need to complete our life mission is held in reserve for us since the foundation of the earth (Ephesians 1). 

With that thought in mind, what do you want to be, to do, to have? Now, guess what? You're popping a qwiff, and all of Heaven is released into your world! 

Part II


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With all my love,

White Dove

White Dove knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Her upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate to freedom and fullness.  

Today White Dove helps people write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into their future, creating new family legacies.

Copyright © 2010 to 2016 Team Family Online, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact White Dove

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

White Dove March 13, 2015 at 12:51 am

Hmmm… I just opened up my March 2004 journal, and I read this:

"Sometimes before God does a miracle, he says, 'What do you want me to do for you?'" A few lines down, I wrote what I wanted. And then I must have forgotten about it, until I read it today, 11 years later.

God delivered on that, to the very last detail, but it came about in a very different way than I expected.


White Dove March 13, 2015 at 12:55 am

Oh my word… I just opened up May 2004 in my journal, and I recorded another "I want…" and it was to establish a House of Prayer. 

And so we did, in 2010. Wow….


Joyce Lagana August 22, 2014 at 3:25 pm

"What do you want?"   

How often I have heard the Spirit whisper these words to me.  In fact, He asked so often I began to think I was giving wrong answers.  Finally I decided to answer as Solomon did and asked for wisdom.  But truly, the cry of my heart is manifold — what I want for myself, what I want for my children, what I want for my husband, and what I want for the body of Christ.  And then, of course, there is salvation for the rest of the world!

Once I heard the Spirit whisper "make a list" so I made a list of everything I wanted — my entire list for myself, children and husband.  I went over the list recently when I ran acrossed it tucked away in a Bible case and found that God had answered almost every one of those items on my list with only a couple still in process but being evidenced in our lives as positive changes.  That list was created 10 years ago.  At the beginning of this year He asked me again "What do you want? Make a list."  So, I have a new list that I am watching as the universe begins to respond to the cries of my heart.  Can you imagine?  What an awesome God we serve!

Yes, Sue — what do you want?  If you can dream it, He can bring it!  Praise Jesus!


White Dove August 22, 2014 at 3:42 pm

Woo-hoo! Wow, Joyce! I love your stories, I truly do!

And look at all the marvelous interventions in your life just this year alone – miracles everywhere you look. What a great God we serve, indeed! 🙂

Thanks so much for sharing!


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